These discounts are usually applied either to some products or to all those published in our catalogue. Its nature is temporary, as is the discount percentage that is applied at all times, normally ranging from 0% to 20%, depending on the number of units you buy of the same product or within the same family or category of the shop. If this discount is activated, next to the card of each product in promotion, the number of units you must buy and the discount you will receive for reaching that purchase volume will appear.
There are some discounts that are applied in a timely manner through a unique code that we will deliver to you by email, social networks or any other means of dissemination.
Discount coupons are delivered as a reward, for example, for the subscription to some newsletters or catalogues, but they can also be delivered for special or exclusive discounts for a certain Client, such as for the reimbursement of purchases made or for loyalty.
Discount coupons can apply a percentage discount or a discount for a fixed amount.
There are discount coupons that can be used on more than one occasion by the same Client, although they are usually for a single use.
Its application is not done automatically, it will be you who must manually enter the verification code in the summary of your shopping cart, before formalizing your order.
There are discounts that are made automatically for certain groups that are usually large buyers, such as professionals or individuals who are dedicated to resale. To obtain these discounts, you must previously register as a Client in our store and after accrediting your professional activity, we will provide you with all the necessary information and apply the appropriate discount. For more information, you can visit this section of our store: PROFESSIONALS.
This type of discount is also applied to groups of company workers or other organizations, which have reached a prior agreement with our company so that their members can enjoy a fixed discount for making individual purchases. If you represent a company or organization, fill out the contact FORM and we will provide you with all the information.
With this type of discount we usually promote new products, products with a lot of stock or products that for any reason are going to be discontinued or withdrawn from our inventory. These are discounts that sometimes reach up to 50% of the usual price of the product and are applied automatically from our store. You can find these promotional products on the front page of our store or in this section: OPPORTUNITIES.
Not all discounts are compatible so that they can be applied to the same purchase, and they may also be limited to a certain Client or group of Clients, limited for a defined time or for a number of products or a minimum or maximum amount.
With the exception of those discounts that are applied by means of a collaboration agreement and are signed in writing, as well as discounts for reimbursement of amounts, our company reserves at all times and for any justified circumstance, the modification or cancellation of any discount in force in the present.