1.1. Identification of the holder
In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the identification data of the company that owns this web platform is set out below:
Web domain: https://parfumsgeneriques.com
CIF: ESB16996654
Registered office:
Calle Mayor 49 Low
46595 Torres Torres - Valencia - Spain
Public Registry: Registered in the Mercantile Registry of Valencia (Spain) 1st Inscription, Sheet V-200743, folio 45, volume 11061, book 8339 of the General Section of Companies.
Email: [email protected] (All languages)
Contact phone: +34 910059977 (Attention only in Spanish)
1.2. Description of the website and its purpose
The objective of this website is to present FORCOBAY and the products that it makes available to Users for purchase, such as perfumery items, facials, makeup, beauty accessories and other gift, bazaar and home items.
1.3. What is the intention of this legal notice?
With this Notice we want to inform you about who is behind this website, so that you can know the type of information we collect and why we need it. Along with this text, we have provided other applicable legal texts such as the privacy policy, the cookie policy and the general conditions of sale.
1.4. How to contact the person in charge of this website?
To contact us you can do so by the means indicated above and preferably from our Customer Service and Support Service.
2.1. How does this website work?
You can visit our website whenever you want, totally free and free, as well as check the products we offer on it.
In any case, to be a User you must be over 18 years of age.
2.2. User types on our website
2.2.1 Follower on social networks: is the person who follows us on corporate social networks and who, based on this, agrees to browse the website.
2.2.2 Information requestor: person who accesses our website to request information about the products we offer through the available contact form or our corporate email.
2.2.3 Buyer user: person who accesses our website and proceeds to purchase any of the products offered by FORCOBAY.
2.2.4 Guest user: is the person who, without having to create a previous account, buys quickly in FORCOBAY.
2.2.5 Registered user: person who accesses the website, registers, creates an account without actually purchasing any of the products offered.
2.2.6 Visitor: this is the person who simply browses our website.
2.3. What confidentiality rules do we apply?
When you browse our website, we may collect some of your personal data in accordance with the provisions of our privacy policy and cookie policy, which will always be treated confidentially.
2.4. What conditions of use apply
2.4.1. General features
Anyone who accesses and browses the website becomes a User of the same, which implies acceptance of the site's conditions of use, detailed in all its notes and legal policies, relating to data protection, intellectual property, measures of security and competent jurisprudence, among others.
As a User, by accessing this website and our blog, you assume the risks that may occur at your own risk and expense. In this way, you must be responsible for the use of suitable means to avoid controllable risks that depend on the use of your devices.
Also, as a User, you must carefully read this Legal Notice on each of the occasions in which you intend to use the Website, since it may be modified without prior notice, and therefore it will be subject to what is established herein.
In addition to these conditions of use, you must respect at all times the rest of the rules of this website, as they regulate all the rights and duties of Users for better protection of them, the protection of our platform and also our business.
2.4.2. User Rights
As a User, you have the right to browse the Website, always complying with the rules established in the different use and protection policies, as well as in accordance with current legislation.
As a User, you have the rights to be attended to with respect to your doubts, comments or exercise of any of the rights that assist you, following the procedures established in our platform for all of this.
You have the right to have your information treated with respect and maximum privacy, which is why we have established an adequate privacy and data protection policy for this.
2.4.3. User prohibitions
You cannot take advantage of your status as a User to access information about the products or services offered on this website or about its Users, and make an unauthorized use or against the Law that may cause any type of damage, to FORCOBAY, other Users, Suppliers or any other natural or legal person.
It is forbidden to make or insert any type of web link or hyperlink, to or from defamatory, pornographic, racist or any other pages that offer false information or harm our brand.
In no case will you be able to suppress, alter, evade or manipulate any protection device or security system that may be installed on our platform, website or computer servers, to commit any crime or fraud, violate intellectual property rights, privacy, confidentiality of the Users of the website or FORCOBAY.
2.4.4. Rights of the holder
The owner of this website has the right to treat the User's data in accordance with the provisions of the general conditions of sale, privacy policy and cookie policy, using said information to answer your questions, being able to carry out all the appropriate measures according to current legislation to be able to provide you the service in an effective way.
3.1. Type of content on our website
On our website we have descriptions of the products offered, which will be given with the intention of proving our proximity, reliability and transparency.
3.1.1. Intellectual property policy
Our intellectual property policy is applicable to our entire website, our blog, as well as the content and materials disseminated through these platforms.
The User expressly acknowledges, and for all intents and purposes, that the information, signs, images, designs, logos, animations, videos, texts, as well as the other elements and content, including its services and computer applications on the Website, are subject to rights. of industrial and intellectual property of FORCOBAY, or of third parties that, being the owners thereof, have duly authorized us to include them on the website. Therefore, the User does not have any type of right over any content, except those that are expressly recognized by us.
Users who access the website can view the information contained therein and make private downloads or reproductions on their computer system, provided that the reproduced elements are not subsequently transferred to third parties or installed on a server connected to the Internet or to a local network.
In accordance with the provisions of the previous section, the User will not be empowered to distribute, modify, transform, assign, make available to the public or carry out any other activity that has not been expressly authorized, on the elements and contents indicated above. , including the computer codes of any of the elements of this website.
The User who proceeds to send any type of content to our website, ensures that he has the necessary rights to do so, and FORCOBAY is exempt from any responsibility for the content and legality of the information offered.
The provision of content by the User through our website, through the use of the Blog service, such as comments, contribution or publication of photographs, videos, etc., where appropriate, will mean the transfer to FORCOBAY with free nature of the exploitation rights of intellectual and industrial property derived from such content, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable legislation. That is, FORCOBAY may make use of this type of content without the User being able to claim any right or financial compensation for it.
The User recognizes FORCOBAY the right to modify the content entered in order to make it suitable and compatible with the technical and aesthetic characteristics of the website.
The User will be directly responsible for all consequences, damages and losses arising for FORCOBAY or third parties from the violation of any obligation contained in this clause.
FORCOBAY sells products that are manufactured by third-party companies and that are acquired from their distributors for sale on our website, not participating in any way in their design, composition or manufacturing processes. If you believe that there is any infringement of the rights of intellectual, industrial or image property of any of the items we have for sale, contact us and it will be immediately withdrawn from the sale.
3.1.2. User limits regarding access and use of our content
Access to the contents of intellectual property by you as a User does not transfer any rights over them. In this sense, the use that you give to this information and contents can only be private (used in a private way); Any use or reproduction made by the Users or others that may be included in the future, must be carried out in accordance with the provisions and legal policies established herein, respecting in any case the applicable legal limitations.
Specifically, it is prohibited:
The reproduction, transformation, distribution, public communication, making available to the public or any other exploitation of the contents of this website and its blog, without the written consent of FORCOBAY.
Nor may links to this website be made without the consent of its owner.
The link to "final pages", acts of "frame" or any other manipulation similar to this page is not allowed without the express consent of FORCOBAY, unless it is done in compliance with the provisions of point 3.1.4 of this Notice.
If you want to request some kind of permission to use or publish any of our content on the website or our blog, you can contact us by any of the means of contact indicated in point 1.4 of this Legal Notice.
3.1.3. Authorizations or permits
As a User, you can view the elements of the website and even print, copy and store them on your computer's hard drive or on any other physical medium, as long as it is solely and exclusively for personal and private use, thus remaining , its use for commercial purposes, its distribution, as well as its modification, alteration or decompilation is prohibited.
However, as an exception, we allow you as a User to mention the products published on the website through social networks, sharing or similar, as long as our ownership is respected or the mention of the people indicated in the corresponding articles or contents.
3.1.4. Links between websites
Those persons or entities that intend to establish a hyperlink between their website and ours (hereinafter, the hyperlink), must comply with the following conditions:
- The hyperlink will only allow access to the home of the website but will not be able to reproduce it in any way.
- A frame will not be created on the pages of the website.
- No false, inaccurate or incorrect statements or indications will be made about FORCOBAY, its directors, its employees and the products supplied through the website.
- It will not be declared or implied that FORCOBAY has authorized the hyperlink or that it has supervised or assumed in any way the services offered or made available from the website where the hyperlink is established.
- Except for those signs that are part of the same hyperlink, the website on which the hyperlink is established will not contain any brand, commercial name, establishment label, denomination, logo, slogan or other distinctive signs belonging to FORCOBAY.
- The website on which the hyperlink is established will not contain illegal information or content, contrary to morality and generally accepted good customs and public order, as well as content contrary to any third party rights.
- The establishment of the hyperlink does not imply, in any case, the existence of relations between FORCOBAY and the owner of the website on which it is established, nor the acceptance and approval by FORCOBAY.
FORCOBAY makes links or links available to Users in order to facilitate access to information, services and other content available on the Internet. The links or links enabled on the website may lead the User to other sites and web pages managed by third parties, over which FORCOBAY does not exercise any type of control.
FORCOBAY does not assume any duty to monitor or verify the information or content of other sites or web pages that can be accessed through hyperlinks on the Web. It exclusively assumes the duty to delete from this page, as soon as possible, the information, content or services that do not correspond to reality, violate any applicable regulations or may mislead or cause damage to the User.
3.2. Regarding the software corresponding to this website and its design
The owner of this website has the permissions and licenses to use it, as well as the rights related to its design. Any use of the programming code, software or design by the Users is not allowed, being responsible for any fraudulent use or to the detriment of the rights of the owner of the website, or of third parties.
In no case, you may extract, manipulate, copy, compile or decompile any element that makes up the website, for foreign purposes or that escape the purpose of what is offered therein, and FORCOBAY may take legal action against you, if any is detected. action and for that reason.
3.3. Regarding our brand and corporate identity
As a User, you will not be able to use our brand, domain, slogan or any element that configures our corporate identity without requesting our express permission to do so.
3.4. Supplementary rules
In those controversies not contemplated in our notices or policies, the provisions of the applicable intellectual and industrial property regulations will always be mandatory.
4.1. Responsibility for access to the website
Access to our website will be the sole responsibility of the User, both in the form of access and in the information it provides, as well as the security with which it navigates through it.
For its part, FORCOBAY undertakes to make the greatest possible effort to avoid errors in the published content and to offer a constant and permanent service through the website.
We cannot be held responsible for temporary suspensions, breakdowns or technical failures that affect the website, caused by causes beyond our company, by viruses or computer insecurity caused by third parties, or by the illegal and disrespectful actions of the Users.
FORCOBAY does not guarantee the availability, continuity or infallibility of the operation of the website, and consequently, it is exempted within the legal terms of any responsibility for damages of any nature that may be due to the lack of availability or continuity of operation of the website and the services enabled on it, as well as errors in accessing different web pages.
4.2. Regarding the published content
From FORCOBAY, we cannot be responsible for the content or updating of the links published on our website, or for the information that it indexes and that is related to other websites or with other companies that are linked to the content search criteria.
We will review and update the information published on our website, but we cannot guarantee that all of it is completely correct since typographical errors, inaccurate or incomplete information may occur for any justifiable reason.
Without prejudice to the limitations established in current legislation, FORCOBAY is not responsible for damages of any kind that may be due to a lack of accuracy, completeness, timeliness, as well as errors or omissions that the information contained may suffer from. on the website or other content that can be accessed through it.
4.3. Liability in relation to service failures
In general, FORCOBAY cannot assume responsibility for specific technical errors that may occur on the website, or in the Internet service due to actions or errors of third parties.
4.4. Other responsibilities and duties
If FORCOBAY is declared not responsible for any damage or loss due to the previous points in a judicial or extrajudicial procedure, by a competent Court, Tribunal or Public Administrative Body, and the person responsible is the User, we can claim against him all the amounts that has had to pay and bear, including consequential damage and lost profits, and any cost or encumbrance that it would have had to face, including taxes, fees, lawyers, solicitors, experts, arbitrations, travel, stays, and any other.
FORCOBAY reserves the right to communicate the confidential information that Users have communicated to it when it is imposed by law, regulation, regulation, ordinance or any other legal, judicial or governmental request.
FORCOBAY will keep the website operating 365 days a year and 24 hours a day, as long as the state of the technical means (servers and internet network) allow it.
However, it reserves the right to modify or interrupt, in whole or in part, access to the system temporarily when the maintenance, update or repair service of the system or the Internet server requires it, without having notified the User.
If the User detects any anomaly, third-party interference, system errors or website malfunction, he must notify FORCOBAY so that it can proceed to its solution as quickly as possible.
We reserve the right to modify this notice to adapt it to legislative or legal developments that may arise or be published, as well as to make the appropriate modifications in accordance with industry or commercial practices.
When there is a substantial or relevant change in them, we will notify from this same website, our social networks and other corporate media and with reasonable advance notice, of the changes that are going to take place in our policies, indicating when it is expected that they will begin. to have full effect.
All our texts and legal policies associated with this website are governed, in each and every one of its extremes, by Spanish and European legislation, including: Law 34/2002, on Services to the Information Society and Commerce Electronic, European Data Protection Regulation 679/2016 and any applicable legal provisions.
This legal policy only affects the information published and the data processing carried out on the basis of our website.
In the event that any conflict or discrepancy arises in the interpretation or application of these conditions or legal notice, the Courts and Tribunals that, if applicable, will hear the matter, will be those provided by the applicable legal regulations in matters of competent jurisdiction. In any case, if your situation is as a final consumer, the courts corresponding to your domicile will be competent. In the case of legal persons, the parties will be subject to the courts of Valencia (Spain).
FORCOBAY is attached to the Consumer Arbitration System of the Valencian Community (Spain), for the extrajudicial resolution of disputes that may arise between Users and our company. Likewise, FORCOBAY will abide by the resolutions that the Consumer Agency of the European Commission may present and which you can access for free from this link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
This legal notice is complemented by the rest of the legal policies established on our website, already mentioned throughout this notice, such as the privacy policy, the cookie policy and the general conditions of sale, in addition to any other regulation. that it is necessary to add according to current legislation on electronic commerce, and in order to always ensure the interests of our Users.